This is done by triggering a request for more data once the user crosses a threshold of remaining items before they've hit the end. activity_floating_action_button_recycler_view_item.A common application feature is to load automatically more items as the user scrolls through the items (aka infinite scroll).

Public class FloatingActionButtonActivity extends AppCompatActivity void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) 2.6 RecyclerView Item XML Definition File. FloatingActionButtonActivity.java package _design.floatingactionbutton.RecyclerViewItemHolder.java 2.1 Main Activity. D:\WORK\DEV2QA.COM-EXAMPLE-CODE\ANDROIDEXAMPLEPROJECT\EXAMPLE\APP\SRC\MAIN\JAVA\COM\DEV2QA\EXAMPLE\MATERIAL_DESIGN\FLOATINGACTIONBUTTON You must set the FloatingActionButton just under the CoordinatorLayout.

This example contains one CoordinatorLayout which includes a RecyclerView and a FloatingActionButton.Floating Action Button Example Java Files. app:elevation: Normal shadow size, the default value is 6dp.app:pressedTranslationZ: The shadow size when the button is clicked, the default value is 12dp.Default value is theme’s colorControlHighlight value. app:rippleColor: Button color when being clicked.app:fabSize: Set the floating action button size style, normal is 56dp, mini is 40dp.

If you find the button change to square or do not have shadow in android os version 4 or 5 then set it to 0.